
HMS Performing Arts Poinsettia Sale

The HMS Band, Choir & Orchestra programs are selling holiday poinsettias as a fundraiser to support their programs.

All poinsettias are 6 inches high and come in one of two varieties:

Red Poinsettia in Gold Foil OR White Poinsettia in Red Foil.

$10.00 per plant

Make checks payable to HMS.

To place an order see any member of the HMS Band, Choir or Orchestra or contact Mrs. Coates (band), Mr. Barry (band), Ms. McCormick (choir), or Mr. Gall (orchestra)

Sale begins on November 18th and ends on December 2nd. All forms and payment are due by the end of the school day on December 2nd. Incomplete orders (orders without cash or check) will not be processed. 

The order will be placed on December 3rd. Late orders cannot be accepted.

Poinsettias will be delivered to the HMS Band Cafe and will be available for pick up on Thursday, December 12th between the hours of 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.