Pick Up and Drop Off Procedure

School Bus stopping at student bus stop

How do I go about dropping off or picking up my child?

Transportation, Arrival, and Dismissal:

The Hillsborough Township Board of Education provides transportation for each and every HES student who lives in our sending area. Thus, your child always has a seat reserved on the bus. It is the administrative expectation that all students take the district-provided transportation each and every day. Our campus is unable to accommodate a large number of private vehicles during arrival and dismissal, and our driveways do not permit for an easy entrance or exit to Amwell Road.

If you believe you have extreme mitigating circumstances that require you to transport your child(ren) personally, you must email the principal to request permission. 

All students who have been assigned a bus and have not received permission from the principal will be dismissed directly to the bus line. Of course there are completely understandable exceptions that once in a while require you to pick your child(ren) up from school, such as appointments, family emergencies, important engagements, etc. On those occasions, please fill out the Change in Dismissal form. (Dismissal Change Request Form - English Dismissal Change Request Form - Spanish) This form should be completed by 11:00 am, but must be completed by no later than 2:00 PM on the day of the change and for each day that the change is requested.  

Placing your child on the bus is the safest and most efficient way for your child to arrive at Hillsborough Elementary School in the morning and to return home (or to parent-designated after-care) in the afternoon. Additionally, no private vehicles are permitted in the school driveway when buses are present or expected.

Procedures for Dropping  Your Child off To School:

Once again, the bus is the best and safest way for your child to get to school. However, occasionally there may be times when you must drive your child to school or you have principal permission to do this daily.  Please use these procedures to keep everyone safe.

There is limited space in the back driveway, so keep things moving as quickly and safely as possible.  Be patient with my staff as well as the other parents.  Thank you for your close attention to these instructions for dropping off your child at HES. 

8:20 AM - 8:27 AM PARENT DROP-OFF:

● Use the Bloomingdale driveway which is the second driveway (next to the school entrance) by the little red schoolhouse.

● Follow the driveway around to the back of the school.

● Parents must remain in their cars at all times and wait until it is their turn to drop-off.

● THIS IS A DROP AND GO. Your child(ren) must exit via the passenger side of the car.
Kiss your child(ren) goodbye at home and arrange the car for easy exiting.

● Wait for the signal from the staff member. Three cars will drop-off at the same time located where the red star is on the map.

● Drop off takes place between 8:20 AM and 8:27 AM. 

aerial photo of hillsborough elementary school describing am procedures

IF YOU ARRIVE TO THE BACK OF THE SCHOOL AFTER CONES HAVE BEEN REMOVED AND/OR THE DOOR HAS BEEN CLOSED, then you must drive around to the front entrance of the school (which is parallel to Route 206), park in a parking spot, turn off your engine and accompany your student to the front entrance of the school (opposite the flagpole) to sign them in.  Please note that you cannot enter the school’s driveway when buses are in the driveway.

Procedures for Picking Your Child Up From School

Pick-Up at Dismissal - If you have be filled out the Dismissal Change Request form found on the homepage of this website identifying in advance that your child is being picked up at dismissal (and who your child will be picked up by), or you have principal permission, your child will be released to you behind the school after the final bell of the day at 3:05. 

  • Please use the rear entrance for the school

  • Use the Bloomingdale driveway which is the second driveway (next to the school entrance) by the little red schoolhouse.

  • Follow the driveway around to the back of the school.

  • Park your car on the circle and come to the Art Room door.

  • Once all students have arrived at the Art Room, the outside door will be opened and dismissal will begin.

  • Any parent/guardian new to the pick up process will be asked to show their ID

  • Once our staff becomes familiar with you, they will dismiss directly to you

  • You will take your child, buckle into your car and leave the driveway

If you must change your typical dismissal for one day, please do so through the Change in Dismissal form ((Dismissal Change Request Form - English Dismissal Change Request Form - Spanish) Reasons for using this form include: picking-up early, not taking the bus, not attending aftercare, etc. This form is not to be used to report your child late to school or for an absence and you cannot use Genesis to report a Change in Dismissal.

Before Care or After Care -  either dropping off your children for before-care or picking up your children for after-care, use the rear entrance for the school which can be accessed by the driveway between HES and the red Bloomingdale Schoolhouse.  This is the second driveway on the left if you are approaching the school from Route 206.  Since Catholic Charities base of operations for their programs is in the cafeteria, the rear entrance is the most logical place for drop-off and pick-up.  Behind the school, you will notice a sign stating Pick-up and Drop-off Only No Parking.  This sign has recently been installed in order help with the flow of traffic during the time in which students not attending the Catholic Charities program are either dropped-off or picked up by their parents.  The times to which that sign applies are approximately 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.  Therefore, if you arrive either before or after that, you can certainly feel free to park and walk to the cafeteria to either drop-off your child in the morning or pick him or her up in the afternoon.

A.M. Kindergarten pick-up - All students are provided with district sponsored transportation. If you need to pick up your child after AM Kindergarten is over at 11:17, you will pick up your student by arriving to school by no later than 11:15, parking in a parking space, coming to the front  of the school (opposite the flagpole), ringing the bell by the front entrance and waiting for someone to bring your student out to you.  You will have to sign the student out at that time.

P.M. Kindergarten drop-off - If for some reason your child is unable to take the bus to P.M. Kindergarten, you can drop-off your PM Kindergarten student by arriving to school no earlier than 11:15, park behind the buses near the Kindergarten classrooms and bring your child to a teacher. If the buses have already departed, then you must drive around to the front of the school, park in a parking space, turn your car off and come to the front entrance of the school (opposite the flagpole), ring the bell by the front entrance and wait for someone to allow you inside.  You will have to sign the student in at that time.


Need to pick your HES student up early?  

Want them to go home on the bus instead of going to After Care?  

Any change, even if they will be going out for an appointment and coming back to school the same day, please follow the instructions below:

Whenever there is any change to how a student is dismissed during the school day or at the end of the day, Parents/Guardians must submit this change through the Change in Dismissal Form (Dismissal Change Request Form - English Dismissal Change Request Form - Spanish) .

This form should be completed by 11:00 am, but must be completed by no later than 2:30 PM on the day of the change and for each day that the change is requested.   Dismissal changes are not accepted via email, phone call, handwritten note, etc. 

This link can also be accessed via our website: https://hes.htps.us/

For your convenience, please bookmark this link on your phone, tablet, and/or computer.

In order to ensure a safe dismissal for all of our students, please be advised that NO dismissal changes will be made after 2:00 PM for the same day. If there is an emergency and a dismissal change is necessary after 2:00 PM, you must call the main office at HES at (908) 431-6600, Option 4 then 2, then 4  AND receive confirmation from the office that your request has been received.

If picking your child up prior to 2:30, you will pick up your student by parking in a parking space, come to the front  of the school (opposite the flagpole), ring the bell by the front entrance and wait for further instructions from the office staff.  You will have to sign the student out at that time. The person picking up the student will be asked to show their ID

The main office is closed from 2:40 until our buses depart.

Thank you for your help and cooperation to ensure the safety and welfare of all Hillsborough Elementary School Children.