
Technology Mission Statement
The advanced use of information technology resources requires that individuals use and extend higher order thinking skills. To adapt to the needs and challenges of our rapidly changing world, students and staff must develop a perspective of technology as a tool to explore, research, and utilize information, to solve problems, to think critically, to work creatively, and to communicate widely and effectively. In addition, students must practice the skills of evaluation, organization, analysis, and synthesis, when working with large amounts of information in order to function successfully in a technology-oriented society. Technology provides a means to apply past knowledge to new situations, to enable the mastery of basic skills, to develop competency in life skills, to pursue individual motivation to learn, and to recognize and understand society's values.
Therefore, the Hillsborough Township Public Schools' technology mission is:
(a) all students and staff will have the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the district's goals and New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards by integrating technology into the curricula, and
(b) to use appropriate technology-based resources to facilitate the performance of all scholastic and administrative tasks at the building, district, county, state, and global levels.
Technology Curriculum
The technology curriculum and core curriculum is reviewed every five years. As the curriculum is reviewed, new ideas and methods are infused in. All core content areas address the integration of technology into their subject area. Computer teachers are involved in the review and evaluate new technologies that can be incorporated into core content classes.