Sports Sign Ups/Health Forms

Please complete the steps below to complete the sports sign-up process.
Please note that the sign-up process must be completed each season by a parent/guardian.
Step 1: Sign up via online registration: Genesis Parent Portal-NEW 2024
Step 2: Physical Forms: All sports physical forms are due to the HHS health office
Step 3: HHS Random Drug & Alcohol Consent-to-Test Form
This form only needs to be submitted to the Nurse's Office once during a student's high school career.
Step 4: Baseline Impact Test: This test is required of all incoming freshman, juniors, transfers, or any other athlete that has not taken the impact test before at HHS. This test is taken online and instructions for taking the test as well as the due date for completion will be sent to registered athletes by their coach.
Please check with the coaches for additional forms, requirements, and tryout dates/procedures for each individual sport.